Leadership Team

#EveryBookItsReader campaign is based on the idea that organizers of regional activities have the autonomy to develop their actions within the scope of the campaign. The purpose of the Leadership team is to work towards building a common culture around the campaign’s goals and creating conditions for its development and strengthening.

Alejandra Quiroz Hernández


Librarian and Picture Books Publisher. Wikimedian since 2022 


My book recommendation: Primero sueño by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (Colonial mexican writer)

Wikimedia user: Alequihdez



Librarian at Oregon State University. Wikimedian since 2018. Co-coordinated the first Wikimedia and Libraries Convention in Maynooth, Ireland in 2022.


My book recommendation: Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler (American author).

Wikimedia user: Bridges2Information



Librarian, Wikimedian and PhD in Information Science. Contributes mostly to Wikipedia in Portuguese and Wikidata.



My book recommendation: Crime do cais do Valongo by Eliana Alves Cruz (Brazilian writer).

Wikimedia user: Lilian Viana

Martin TENA Espinoza de los Monteros


Education in the Knowledge Society PhD at the University of Salamanca (Spain). Professor at the University of Guadalajara and librarian at the University Library System. Participant in projects related to open science, open access, and Wikimedia,  in addition to promoting open education and civic innovation. Member of the CLACSO Working Group on Open Science as a Common Good.


My book recommendation: Elogio del caminar, by David Le Breton (french anthropologist)


Wikimedia user: Mtenaespinoza



Librarian at the University of São Paulo (USP), Head of the IME-USP Library. Wikimedian since 2019 and Master in Information Science. Contributes mainly to Portuguese Wikipedia and Wikidata.


My book recommendation: Quarto de despejo by Carolina Maria de Jesus (Brazilian author)


Wikimedia user: Ssstela

