
Find an Event to Join

Visit the programs section of the campaign dashboard to find in-person or online events

Every Book Its Reader Programs

Click on the Program name to learn more.

A flyer about the #EveryBookItsReader campaign distributed at the 2024 London Book Fair.

Add your event

Please add the event or activity you are organizing to the Campaign Dashboard. Everyone is welcome to organize events within the scope of the Every Book Its Reader campaign. If you need more information about how to organize events, we suggest using the materials produced by the Art+Feminism campaign.

How to add your event

Step 1: Visit the Campaign Dashboard.

Step 2: Log in to your Wikimedia account. 

Screenshot clip of the Login text.

Step 3: On the Campaign Dashboard select Create Program +

Screenshot of the "Create Program" button on the campaign page.

Step 4: In the pop-up window select Create New Program

Create New Program

Step 5: Choose the type of program you would like to create. Note: If you are not sure, we suggest selecting Edit-a-Thon.

Screenshot of the three types of programs.


Step 6: Enter the information about your program. We suggest adding your language, country, or other location information to the Program title. You may or may not be affiliated with an Institution. In the box labeled Program Description, please be as detailed as possible and consider including an email of a contact person, so that possible participants may reach out to you for more information.

Step 7: Add information about the dates and times you’d like to track for your event. You may want to start tracking a day or two before and after the event.

Step 8: Add additional information as needed and then select Create my Program!

Step 9: Remember participants must join the program you create in order for their edits to be tracked.


Remember! Participants must join the program you create.
